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Kolbet Club Lambs
Reproductive services


Kolbet Club Lambs is excited to offer reproductive services to meet customer needs. Dr. Ashlie Kolbet has been practicing veterinary medicine since 2012 and has since ventured into specializing in small ruminant reproductive services.  We currently offer fresh and frozen laparoscopic insemination and will be venturing into embryo transfer in the future.

Please contact us to reserve your spot for Lap AI. Be sure to reach out to Dr. Kolbet at 319-290-0430 for more information.



Kolbet Club Lambs
Kolbet Club Lambs
mason, ashlie, alexis, lily, & hailie kolbet
1756 140th Street - Rudd, Iowa 50471
MASON 563.920.2043 - ASHLIE 319.290.0430
EMAIL kolbet06@gmail.com
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